A.T.M.A.C.A. (Agile Timely Mature Adaptive Creative Adroid)

• is the IT Service/Product analyze design development model of CONIG Framework has six main lifecycles entities;
    - Requirement (HLR, ILR, SLR)
    - Iteration / Sprint
    - Service Aspects (Functional, Capability, Resource)
    - Test Cases
    - Release Unit / Release Package
    - Deployment Order

• has objectives that are ;
    - Early delivery of working software
    - Qality is built into the IT Services — everyone involved in quality
    - Defect prevention (stopping them from getting beyond the requirements)
    - CIear acceptance criteria
    - EarIy involvement of all key players
    - Surprises to the business on delivery
    - Growth of (test) team skills
    - Regression averse - more testing than ever
    - Risk based approach to development — the most important bits are done first
    - Good collaboration - knowledge of project
    - Status, outcomes and progress is clearly and honestly displayed for all to see
    - Less "formal'" defects
    - Release unit and identification
    - Release design options and considerations
    - Release and deployment models
    - Release and deployment planning
    - Preparation for build, test and deployment
    - Service testing and pilots
    - Perform transfer, deployment and retirement
    - Verify deployment
    - Early life support

• has advantages;
    - Grouping of requirements into small increments with minimal planning
    - Stakeholders' voice about the product and the plan
    - No direct long-term planning
    - Short development cycles of two to four weeks
    - Daily communication through short meetings to State what one did since the last meeting, what one will be working on until the next meeting, and what, if anything, is impeding the progress
    - Through these meetings, it becomes easy to discover any issue early and increase offline communication
    - Development progress measured through bum down chaıl and completed requirement (HLR, ILR, SLR) backlog items
    - Team members afticulate upfront about their responsibilities and roadblocks
    - Self-organizing and self-managing teams

• leads to faster delivery of software.
    - Agile methods are iterative development methods that aim to reduce development overhead and so produce software faster
    - Extreme programming includes practices such as systematic testing, continuous improvement and customer involvement
    - The approach to testing is a particular strength where executable tests are developed before the code is written.
    - Rapid application development environments include database programming languages, form generation tools and links to office applications
    - A throw-away prototype is used to explore requirements and design options
    - When implementing a throw-away prototype, start with the requirements you least understand; in incremental development, start with the best-understood requirements.

• defines transition and change pipeline iterations, processes, information items and work products

• benefits the organization by helping it to
    - Increase the quality of the deliverables
    - Cope better with change (and expect the changes)
    - Provide better estimates while spending less time creating them
    - Be more in control of the project schedule and state
As a result, A.T.M.A.C.A. projects achieve higher customer satisfaction rates.

• A.T.M.A.C.A. relies upon agile and lean architecture. So the architecture of A.T.M.A.C.A. is structured in aligned with the lifecycles of enablers

There are four basic elements in the Agile manifesto;
    • Individuals and interactions over processes and tooIs—More emphasis is given to the relationships between people involved than to institutionalized processes and tools
    • Working software over comprehensive documentation—Working soft,vare is more valuable than documentation_ Keep documentation to the absolute minimum
    • Customer collaboration over contract negotiations—The negotiation process focuses on maintaining relationships_ This means that ali pafties in any contract must collaborate and that formal contracts should suppoft Agile practices
    • Responding to change over following a plan—The team is authorized to adjust the plan based on changed customer needs during iterations