TCM - Transition Change Model

. is the transition change  model of CONIG Framework
. has four main lifecycles entities;

- Requirement
- Project / Program
- Fast Transition / Fast Track
- Operational Change

. has objectives that are to;

-    Set customer expectations on how the performance and use of the new or changed IT service(s)  can be used to enable business change
-    Enable the business change to integrate a release into the business processes and services
-    Ensure that there is a business justification;
            • for initiating the project/FT (documented in an outline Business Case) 
            • all the necessary authorities exist for initiating the project/FT
-    Manage requirements of the project/FT’s products and product components and to ensure alignment between those requirements and the project/FT’s plans and work products
-    Plan the work required for project/FT initiation establish and maintain plans that define project/FT activities
-    Ensure management direction and control which are provided throughout the project/FT’s life, and that the project/FT remains viable
-    Quantitatively manage the project/FT to achieve the project/FT’s established quality and process performance objectives
-    Manage the acquisition of products and services from suppliers
-    Provide the information needed for the Boards (tCAb, pCAB) to assess the continuing viability of the project/FT – including the aggregated risk exposure
-    Ensure risks and issues are kept under control
-    Ensure that team managers, team members and suppliers are clear as to what is to be produced and what is the expected effort, cost or timescales
-    Provide an understanding of the project/FT’s progress so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project/FT’s performance deviates significantly from the plan
-    Ensure that changes are recorded and evaluated, and that authorized changes are prioritized, planned, tested, implemented, documented and reviewed in a controled manner

•    defines transition and change pipeline starges&gates, processes and information items

•    TCM relies upon "stage&gate" architecture.  So the architecture of TCM is structured in aligned with the lifecycles of enablers